S/N Year Author(s) Title Link(s)
501 2014 OLUGBODE, M. A. Determination of probability distributions for modelling air pollutants from vehicular emissions in lagos state
502 2013 OMOLE, O. E. Physical and psychological health status of young people in the borstal training institution, ilorin, kwara state, nigeria
503 2014 AMATARI, V. O. Geo-economic factors, parental involvement and proficiency in english language as determinants of primary school pupils' achievement in mathematics in the niger delta, nigeria
504 Jan-2012 Fabunmi, B. A. Automation planning in an academic library
505 May-2011 Fabunmi, B. A. Disaster control and planning in a university library
506 2012 Oshoke, J. O. Olukunle, O. A. Ajayi, A. I. Dasuki, A. Saulawa, L. A. Haematological changes of Clarias gariepinus juveniles fed different dietary lipid
507 2014 MICAH, D. J. Access to, and utilisation of global system for mobile telecommunications services among subscribers in ibadan
508 10 May 2014 Prof. W. M. Olatokun Consumers' perception of telecommunication services provision in nigeria: a structural equation modeling of constructs
509 Prof. W. M. Olatokun Influence of socio-demographic variables on users' Choice of mobile service providers in nigerian telecommunication market
510 June 2012 Prof. W. M. Olatokun Determinants of Users’ Choice of Mobile Service Providers 2
511 2012 Prof. W. M. Olatokun Influence of Individual Organisational and System Factors on Attitude of Online Banking Users
512 September 2008 Prof. W. M. Olatokun Survey of Preservation and Conservation Practices in Nigerian Libraries
513 August 2005 Prof. W. M. Olatokun GSM Usage at the University of Ibadan
514 Prof. W. M. Olatokun Analysing lawyers’ attitude towards knowledge sharing
515 29 May 2012 Prof. W. M. Olatokun Internationalization of information science education in Nigeria
516 Prof. W. M. Olatokun Policy Options for E-Education in Nigeria
517 2012 Prof. W. M. Olatokun Towards an online bachelor of information science2
518 2012 Prof. W. M. Olatokun Towards an online bachelor of information science1
519 December 2007 Prof. W. M. Olatokun ICT use by Nigerian Women Academics
520 June 4 2010 Prof. W. M. Olatokun Journal of Librarianship and Information Science
521 2013 Prof. Victor O. OKORUWA The Effect of Agroclimatic Factors on Cash Crops Production in Nigeria
522 19 December 1995 Prof. Victor O. OKORUWA Crop-livestock Competition In The West African Derived Savanna: Application Of A Multi-objective Programming Model
523 Prof. Victor O. OKORUWA Governance challenges in an emerging bio-economy: a case study of maize value-webs in nigeria
524 2012 Prof. Victor O. OKORUWA A Review of Nigerian Agricultural Efficiency Literature, 1999–2011: What Does One Learn from Frontier Studies?
525 August 2013 Prof. Victor O. OKORUWA Bubbles in maize market price in south-west geopolitical zone of nigeria
526 August 2016 Prof. Victor O. OKORUWA Perception and Adaptation of Yam Based Farmers to Clima te Change in Edo State, Nigeria
527 21 November 2016 Prof. Victor O. OKORUWA Techn ical efficiency of beef cattle production technologies in Nigeria : A stochastic frontier analysis
528 2016 Prof. Victor O. OKORUWA Comparative Analysis of the Relationship between Budget Balance and Selected Macro Economic Variables in Nigeria and Ghana
529 2012 Prof. Victor O. OKORUWA Effect of Rice Trade Policy on Household Welfare in Nigeria
530 March 2011 Prof. Victor O. OKORUWA Social capitaland microcredit effects on poverty Among the rural households in south west states, nigeria
531 January 2013 Prof. Victor O. OKORUWA A Synergetic Linkage between Agricultural Productivity, Nutrition and Health
532 Prof. Victor O. OKORUWA 30-effect of credit constraint on profit of small Scale rice-based farmers in niger state,northwestern Nigeria
533 July 2013 Prof. Victor O. OKORUWA Sources of finance for micro, small and medium Enterprises in nigeria
534 August 2015 Prof. Victor O. OKORUWA Determinants of Awareness and Adoption of Improved Rice Varieties in North Central, Nigeria
535 8 May 2009 Prof. Victor O. OKORUWA Analysis of rural and urban households’ food consumption differential in the North - Central , Nigeria : Amicro - econometricapproach
536 2014 Prof. Victor O. OKORUWA Government Policy, Agricultural Output and National Saving in Nigeria
537 Prof. Victor O. OKORUWA Estimation of actual and potential adoption rates and determinants of improved rice variety among rice farmers in nigeria: the case of nericas
538 August 2013 Prof. Victor O. OKORUWA Estimating the Actual and Potential Adoption Rates and Determinants of NERICA Rice Varieties in Nigeria
539 Prof. Victor O. OKORUWA Resource use efficiency among female cassava farmers in ecological zones of Ogun State, Nigeria
540 2013 Prof. Victor O. OKORUWA Assessment of the influence of government Intervention programme on sugarcane production in Nigeria: evidence from jigawa state
541 Prof. Victor O. OKORUWA Technical efficiency differentials in rice production Technologies in nigeria
542 March 2011 Prof. Victor O. OKORUWA The Structure and Determinants of Land-use Intens ity among Food Crop Farmers in Southwestern Nigeria
543 17 January 2012 Prof. Victor O. OKORUWA Productivity Impact Differential of Improved Rice Technology Adoption Among Rice Farming Households in Nigeria
544 August 2012 Prof. Victor O. OKORUWA Seasonality in poverty Level of rural farming Households in oyo state nigeria
545 April 1996 Prof. Victor O. OKORUWA Trade - off between crop and livestock production and evolution of mixed farming in west african moist savanna
546 2008 Prof. Victor O. OKORUWA Modeling Efficient Resource Allocation Patterns for Food Crop Farmers in Nigeria: An Application of T- MOTAD Analysis
547 June 2011 Prof. Victor O. OKORUWA Competitiveness of Nigerian rice and maize procduction ecologies: a policy analysis approach
548 2009 Prof. Victor O. OKORUWA Tea consumption in Ogun State, Nigeria
549 2011 Prof. Victor O. OKORUWA Impact of Improved Rice Technology (NERICA varieties) on Income and Poverty among Rice Farming Households in Nigeria: A Local Average Treatment Effect (LATE) Approach
550 Prof. Victor O. OKORUWA Determinants of Rice Farmer’s Access to Credit in Niger State, Nigeria
