S/N Year Author(s) Title Link(s)
1 2002 Atalabi, O. M. Ogunseyinde, A. O Occult metastic follicular thyroid carcinoma masquerading as a soft tissue sarcoma of the gluteal region
2 Jun-2001 Atalabi, O. M. Ogunseyinde, A. O. A case of adrenal myelolipoma mimicking pheocromocytoma
3 Dec-2001 Irabor, D. O. Atalabi, O. M. Case report - Abdominal Cocoon
4 2002 Atalabi, O. M. Metacarpal index in Nigerian adults and children
5 2002 Olopade, E. O. Adebayo, S. A. Atalabi, O. . Popoola, A. A. Ogunmodede, I. A. Enabulele, U. F. Rigid retrograde endoscopy under regional aneasthesia: a novel technique for the early realignment of traumatic posterior urethral disruption
6 Dec-2003 Ogunseyinde, A. O. Atalabi, O. M. Cranial computerrized tomography in the evaluaaton of stroke patients in Ibadan
7 Mar-2004 Atalabi, O. M. Falade, A. G. Obajimi, O. M. Akinyinka, O. O. Lagundoye, S. B. Ibinaiye, P. O. An unusual presentation of congenital bronchoesophageal fistula
8 Enhancing treatment compliance in the home management of childhood malaria: the use of a participatory approach in ensuring intervention appropriateness
9 2004 Obajimi, M. O. Fatunde, O. J. Ogunseyinde, A. O. Omigbodun, O. O. Atalabi, O. M. Joel, R. U. Computed tomography and childhood seizure disorder in Ibadan
10 Oct-2006 Otegbayo, J. A. Atalabi, O. M. Yakubu, A. Clinicoradiologic and sonographic patterns of metastasis in hepatocellular carcinoma
11 2010 Olapade-Olaopa, E. O. Atalabi, O. M. Adekanye, A. O. Adebayo, S. A. Onawola, K. A. Early endoscopic realignment of traumatic anterior and posterior urethral disruptions under caudal anaesthesia- a 5-year review
12 2002 Ajaiyeoba, E. O. Osowole, O. S. Oduola, O .O. Ashidi, J. S. Akinboye, D. O. Gbotosho, G. O. Falade, C. O. Ogundahunsi, O. A. T. Fawole, O. I. Bolaji, O. M. Falade, M. O. Oladepo, O. O. Itiola, O. A. Oduola, A. M. J. Nigerian antimalarial ethnomedicine 2: Ethnobotanica surveys of herbal remedies used in the treatment of febrile illnesses in the middle belt of Nigeria
13 2004 Ajaiyeoba, E. O. Falade, C. O. Fawole, O. I. Akinboye, D. O. Gbotosho, G. O. Bolaji, O. M. Ashidi, J. S. Abiodun, O. O. Osowole, O. S. Itiola, O. A. Oladepo, O. Sowunmi, A. Oduola, A. M. J. Efficacy of herbal remedies used by herbalists in Oyo State Nigeria for treatment of Plasmodium falciparum infections a survey and an observation
14 Jun-2001 Adedotun, M. A. Eniola, M. S. Osowole, O. S. Games and sports as indicators of physical and mental development of the visually impaired individuals
15 1990 Abosi, C. O. Osowole, O. S. Incidence of stuttering in twins and singletons in selected schools in Ibadan township
16 Dec-20005 Ebong, O. O. Ajaiyeoba, E. O. Ononiwu, I. M. Eteng, M. J. Akinbiye, D. O. Gbotosho, G. O. Falade, C. O. Bolaji, O. . Oladepo, O. Osowole, O. S. Happi, T. C. Fawole, O. F. Ogundahunsi, O. A. T. Agbagwa, I. M. Oduola, O. Oduola, A. M. J. Contribution of indigenous health care givers to the herbal management of febrile illness in Rivers State, South-South, Nigeria
17 Dec-2006 Lasisi, A. O. Salako, B. L. Osowole, O. S. Osisanya, W. P. Amusaf, M. A. Effect of hemodialysis on the hearing function of patients with chronic renal failure
18 2004 Asa, A. Adegbenro, C. A. Dare, F. O. Adeniyi, J. D. Osowole, O. S. Oladepo, O. Enhancing treatment compliance in the home management of childhood malaria: the use of a participatory approach in ensuring intervention appropriateness
19 2005 Osowole, O. S. >Ajaiyeoba, E. Bolaji, O. Akinboye, D. Fawole, O. Gbotosho, C. G. Ogbole, O. Ashidi, J. Abiodun, O. Falade, C. Sama, W. Oladepo, O. Itiola, O. Oduola, A. A survey of treatment practices for febrile illnesses among traditional healers in the Nigerian middle belt zone
20 Mar-1996 Osowole, O. S. Ijaduola, G.T. A. Pattern of speech and language disorders in University College Hospital, Ibadan
21 1996 Osowole, O. S. Ijaduola, G. T. A Speech defects in head and neck cancer patients - a one year study
22 2005 Yusuf, O. B. Oladepo, O. Odunbaku, S. O. Alaba, O. Osowole, O. S. Factors associated with malaria treatment failures in Ibadan
23 2000 Osowole, O. S. Oladepo, O. Effect of peer education on deaf secondary school students' HIV/AIDS knowledge, attitudes and sexual behaviour
24 Sep-2005 Nwaorgu, O. G. B. >Osowole, O. S. Otorhinolaryngological HIV - related problems: a private practice experience
25 Dec-2001 Osowole, O. S. Onwuchekwa, J. N. Self-employment in crafts-an option for the disabled hearing impaired
26 Dec-2000 Osowole, O. S. Nwaorgu, O. G. B. Audiometric assessment in patients with carcinoma of the larynx
27 2001 Osowole, O. S. Roles of management in the sustainance of a cost effective primary health care programme for the prevention of disabilities in Nigeria
28 Nov-2003 Labaran, S. A. Nwaorgu, O.G.B. Onakoya, P. A. Osowole, O. S. HIV-AIDS, universal precaution and the otorhinolaryngologist in Nigeria.
29 2002 Moronkola, O. A. Osowole, O. S. Sexuality education for the adolescents
30 Oct-1996 Osowole, O. S. Language disorders in stroke patients
31 2003 Ajaiyeoba, E. O. Oladepo, O. Fawole, O. l. Bolaji, A. M. Akinboye, D. O. Ogundahunsi, O. A. T. Falade, C. O. Gbotosho, G. O. Itiola, O. A. Happi, T. C. Ebong, O. O. Ononiwu, I. M. Osowole, O. S. Oduola, O. O. Ashidi, J. S. Oduola, A. M. J. Cultural categorization of febrile illnesses in correlation with herbal remedies used for treatment in Southwestern Nigeria
32 2003 Osowole, O. S. Nwaorgu, O. G. B. Osisanya, P. A. Perceived susceptibility to noise induced hearing loss and attitude towards preventive care among metal workers at Gate, Ibadan: a pilot study
33 2005 Falade, C. O. Osowole, O. S. Adeniyi, J. D. Oladepo, O. Oduola, A. M. J Attitude of health care workers to the involvement of alternative healthcare providers in the home management of childhood malaria
34 2006 Mijinyawa, Y. Mwinjilo, M. Dlamini, P. Assessment of crop storage structures in Swaziland
35 2005 Mijinyawa, Y. Adetunji, J. A. Evaluation of farm transportation system in Osun and Oyo states of Nigeria
36 2010 Mijinyawa, Y. Alaba, J. O. A comparative analysis of barn and platform as storage structures for yam tuber in Ibadan, Nigeria
37 2007 Mijinyawa, Y. Lucas, E. B. Adegunloye, F. O. Temperature fluctuations within and outside a silo with treated termite mound clay as construction material
38 2007 Mijinyawa, Y. Lucas, E. B. Adegunloye, F. O. Termite mound clay as material for grain silo construction
39 1998 Mijinyawa, Y. A survey of livestock structures in South Western Nigeria
41 2006 Mijinyawa, Y. Farm structures: roles and challenges in meeting the needs of the Nigerian farmer
42 2011 Mijinyawa, Y. Greenhouse Climate change Glazing material Solar radiation
43 1999 Mijinyawa, Y. Climate change Silos Wood products Grains storage
44 1999 Mijinyawa, Y. Dahunsi, D. The use of local building materials for the construction of farm structures in Western Nigeria
45 2000 Mijinyawa, Y. Falayi, F. R. Coefficient of static friction of palm kernel shell on selected structural surfaces
46 1993 Mijinyawa, Y. Classification and evaluation of crop storage structures in Western Nigeria
47 2012 Mijinyawa, Y. Ogbue, C. R. Arosoye, O. E. Assessment of noise levels generated in some feed mills in Ibadan, Nigeria
48 Mijinyawa, Y. Agricultural engineering education in Nigeria
49 2012 Mijinyawa Y., Akinyemi B. A. Assessment of the noise level generated during ploughing and harrowing operations in Ibadan Nigeria
